Articles About Western Philosophy

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Handbook in the History of Western Philosophy by Albert E. Avey; Book Review

by Lance Winslow
The history of Western Philosophy is indeed of interest in understanding modern society and civilizations. The book; Handbook in the History of Western Philosophy is comparable to reading about 1500 pages of Wikipedia on the subject. Indeed having done both now, I would say that I recommend reading this book by Albert E. Avey.

The Practitioners Or The Theories Of Western Philosophy; Which Is To Blame?

by Lance Winslow
There are many who are critical of Western Philosophy and yet those who have spent a life-time studying the subject remind the critics that it is not the philosophy that is wrong, rather it is often misused by its practitioners.

How Professors of Western Philosophy Can Sometimes Fall Short

by Lance Winslow
Have you ever debated with a philosophy professor? Indeed, many only answer your question with information from dead white men philosophers in history, people that they have never actually even met. How could they have, as the philosophers have perished 100s if not 1000s of years ago? We only have a record of what they said or are said to have said.

Western Philosophy; a Religion for the Intellectual?

by Lance Winslow
Western Philosophy has deep roots that go back as far a Babylonian and Egyptian days and it has a strong secondary foundation of Greek Philosophy as well. Yet much of the philosophy after than tends to come from a religious slant where God created man and this realm, as a universal given. If you look at the names of the dead white men that we study in Western Philosophy these comments will seem more obvious to you.

Philosophy of Socrates

by Ryan Dowd
Socrates was the first of the three famous Athenian philosophers (the other two being Aristotle and Plato). Born in the Greek capital in the year 469 BC, he lived during the reign of Pericles at a time when the Athenian empire was at its peak.

Philosophy Of Plato

by Ryan Dowd
Plato is renowned as one of the world's greatest philosophers. Born in 429 BC around the time of the death of Pericles, he lived for nearly eighty years up until the period that began with the birth of Alexander the Great.

The Philosophy of Aristotle

by Ryan Dowd
Aristotle was born in northern Greece in the village of Stagira. He became the most accomplished product of Plato's educational system, spending twenty years of his life at Plato's academy.

How Socrates Influences Our Lives Today

by William Nugent
A brief history of the confrontation between Socrates and the Sophist philosophers in ancient Athens. A discussion of the concept of absolute truth contrasting it with modern and postmodern philosophy. Proof that the Bible is the ultimate source of absolute truth.

Contrasting Plato and Aristotle

by C. Jines
Plato and Aristotle Many people often ask about the differences between the philosophy of Plato and that of Aristotle. Today in America, those with any sort of religious association at all are familiar, either consciously or unconsciously, with St. Augustine and Plato. But when it comes to Aristotle not much is known.

Epicurus (And the Good Life)

by Gerald Marchewka
Perhaps Epicurus had it right. A life surrounded by friends, ample amounts of warm sensuous pleasure and rich lurid reflections of carnal experience may be the essential ingredients for the good life. So perhaps the ascetics had it all wrong.

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