Epicurus (And the Good Life)

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Epicurus had it right


A life surrounded by friends,
ample amounts of warm
sensuous pleasure and
rich lurid reflections of earthly
carnal experience
may be the essential
ingredients for the good life


So perhaps the ascetics
had it all wrong, afterall


What kind of person would want
to live a life of murderous
deprivaton and denial?


I say
no Bodishattva's
or Sacrificial Christ's


No divine exploration
No fine importation
No self flagellation
Or mental masturbation!


Just good old fashioned
common sense


And apart from all that,
who would have liked to have lived
out here in the cold calamitous


It is time to get together


Raise your right hand
and say your daily prayers


It's time that we get back
to the garden, babe
Because I know that the moat
is full and the time is getting late


So please don't
let the neighborhood bully
speak for you
Because I know that if he can,
he will


It is time to get back to
Edgar's farm,
amongst the poplar trees and
the honey bees


So Let your long hair grow,
Beneath the big red cloistered forest
and the small blue furtive plain


But bring me back,
Bring me back to the place
where love could thrive
Where falcons flew
and white dove's cried


It is time that we get back
to the place that your mother knew
Right behind the chestnut mare
and the golden goose


For if you knew what I can feel
you'd stand up
and you'd give it to me
here and now but
only if you could


* * *


Gerald Marchewka is an American freelance writer currently living in Lviv, Ukraine. Gerald's most recent book, "Straight from the Heavens: Li Bai's Poetry in Retrospect" featuring the Illustrations of Seb Fowler is now for sale on Lulu.com Questions about Gerald's projects may be forwarded to geraldmarchewka@yahoo.com


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gerald_Marchewka

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