The Practitioners Or The Theories Of Western Philosophy; Which Is To Blame?

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There are many who are critical of Western Philosophy and yet those who have spent a life-time studying the subject remind the critics that it is not the philosophy that is wrong, rather it is often misused by its practitioners.


You see I totally agree with that. And yet one must also question the Western Philosophy Foundation, as so much of it appears to come from within the confines of religion, is it to be taken seriously. It needs a complete re-write. Save the theories and the methods of determining them in the past as the examples of what not to do.


Too critical of Western Philosophy you ask? Well, mind you most critics are not complaining about the Babylonian, Egyptian, Pre-Socratic era or Classical Greek stuff, but what comes after that is awash with linear thought and religious propulsion. It seems today in the present period we have a re-emergence of philosophy and thought, for instance in our Science Fiction movies like Vanilla Sky, Matrix, Minority Report, etc. These arts seem to be pushing the boundaries again, which is good.


The issue to me seems to be the "Definition" of Western Philosophy and in that definition the defining terms are assigned to individuals as a reference point, but such categorizing is dangerous as one philosopher builds upon the next in modification or adds another brick to a premise.


Yet many question the first or many bricks placed onto of the Classical Greek foundations. Someone with a personal disdain for academia does not help either and many deep thinkers tend to be rather harsh on the academia world of Western Philosophy, as they make quotes such as; Those Who Can't Teach. And although they also admit that is not always true, it is nevertheless too true all too often they say.


If the foundation of Western Philosophy is sound then the practitioners who actually know what they are talking about and can do deep thought should have themselves been able to explain these things without borrowing from a dead white man. Critics feel that "Philosophy" has been hijacked by religious indoctrination of the past period philosophers and set them into a snake eating its tail scenario and that anyone can see all it is created is a hole through the middle.


Therefore what they say is needed is to go back to the Greek Classical Era of Philosophy and tear down that wall that was built upon that foundation and rebuild a new age philosophy that does not limit thought. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

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"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.


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