How Professors of Western Philosophy Can Sometimes Fall Short

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Have you ever debated with a philosophy professor? Indeed, many only answer your question with information from dead white men philosophers in history, people that they have never actually even met. How could they have, as the philosophers have perished 100s if not 1000s of years ago? We only have a record of what they said or are said to have said.


If you come up with an argument or find fault with any of the philosophy professor's heroes they immediately say you are wrong and cite the "quote" of another philosopher, rather than thinking for themselves and contemplating the point of contention further. Indeed they should at least be able to come up with a better argument against the quote themselves. But will not because they feel they must recite to you the approved answer since they have plastered it onto their foreheads like a 3M Sticky Note.


Some critics agree and I submit to you that the domain of philosophical studies is problematic and it is a closed loop and one must be careful with filling your mind up with such circular rhetoric non-sense, lest you ever let your mind explore the depths of true deep thinking. Of course for every critic of philosophy with this opinion there are many more that side with the academia status quo.


Further the basis for Western Philosophy is often completed jaded and linear due to the overwhelming number of past period (60 AD to 1850) philosophers who were studied in religion and have this as not only their moral foundation but a good part of their belief system also. Yet, would it actually be Western Philosophy without that religious influence? Some say no, others say if there was not that influence then surely something else might have taken its place?


This is true enough and difficult to debate, after all it is what it is. And it matters not how it got here as much as what it has become today. Nevertheless one has to ask the question, what if? Perhaps this is why some often say; Beware the Philosophy instructor who calls themselves a learned man and an intellectual, because rote memorization in an academic domain such as philosophy is akin to getting inside a cardboard box and duct taping it from the inside and then pronouncing oneself a brilliant genius in every regard.


Personally, I suppose I could argue either side of such debate and no I did not fail Philosophy Class in college, I had A's all the way through those courses. If we really wish to teach humans to think we will need to dump the jaded belief systems and smash the foundation of Western Philosophy in order to do it. No, I am not necessarily in favor of Eastern Philosophy as an alternative, I also have issues with that, but will reserve that critique for another article.


Free and Unlimited thought is not easy to come by these days, as there are always agendas and adopted belief systems in human minds and this is just one more controversial topic, the subject of Western Philosophy to think on. I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

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"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.


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